Activitate didactica
2022 - in prezent: Liceul International IOANID - Bucuresti - norma intreaga
2022 - 2023: Scoala Europeana Bucuresti (SEB) - Bucuresti - colaborator - IB diploma
2022 - 2023: Romanian Gifted School - Bucuresti - colaborator - IGCSE/AS/A level
2022 - Spark School (online school) - Transylvania College Cluj - colaborator (IGCSE)
2007 - in prezent: EdVenture School - Bucuresti - cursuri SAT & GMAT
2008 - 2022 : Profesor de matematica, Cambridge School of Bucharest
2006 - 2008 : Profesor de matematica, International School of Bucharest, ISB
2005 - 2016: Asistent universitar la Catedra de Probabilitati, Statistica si Cercetari operationale a Facultatii de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea Bucuresti.
2002 - 2004: Asistent Universitar - Universitatea Romano - Americana, Facultatea de Informatica Manageriala
2002 – 2005: Preparator la Catedra de Probabilitati, Statistica si Cercetari operationale a Facultatii de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea Bucuresti.
Activitate stiintifica
1. Domenii de interes: Statistica matematica (Inferenta statistica pentru serii temporale, Teoria sondajelor statistice, Simulare), Teoria Probabilitatilor
2. Articole publicate in reviste de specialitate: 8, dintre care 3 ISI.
3. Comunicari prezentate la conferinte nationale si internationale:
- 2004 - A 7-a Conferinta a Societatii de Probabilitati si Statistica din Romania, Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica (februarie 2004), unde am prezentat lucrarea:“Sume markoviene cu aplicatii in statistica”
- 2006 - A 26-a Conferinta ”European Meeting of Statisticians”, Torun-Polonia (iulie 2006), unde am prezentat lucrarea intitulata:“Sums of independent GAR(1) processes”
- 2006 - A 9-a Conferinta a Societatii de Probabilitati si Statistica din Romania, Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica (aprilie 2006), unde am prezentat lucrarea: “Parameter estimation for GAR(1) processes by the EM algorithm”
- 2007 - A 10-a Conferinta a Societatii de Probabilitati si Statistica din Romania, Bucuresti, Facultatea de Cibernetica, Statistica si Informatica Economica, ASE (aprilie 2007), unde am prezentat lucrarea: “On the behaviour of the AR(p) processes near the stationarity border”
- 2008 - A 11 Conferinta a Societatii de Probabilitati si Statistica din Romania, Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica (aprilie 2008), unde am prezentat lucrarea:“Studiu de simulare pentru procese AR(1) de tip exponential
- 2010 - A 12 Conferinta a Societatii de Probabilitati si Statistica din Romania, Bucuresti, Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii (aprilie 2010), unde am prezentat lucrarea:“On some statistic properties of AR(2) processes involving Uniform distribution”
Articole publicate
1. Georgiana Popovici si Monica Dumitrescu: On Markovian Sums with Applications in Statistics, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Anul LIII, 53(2004), no. 2, pp. 259-270,(MR 2150253)(2006c:62067)
2. Georgiana Popovici si Monica Dumitrescu: Estimation on a GAR(1) Process by the EM Algorithm, Economic Quality Control, Heldermann Verlag, Germany vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 165-174(2007) MSC 2000: *62-99 (Zbl pre 05347209)
3. Georgiana Popovici: On the Behaviour of the AR(p) Processes Near The Stationarity Border: A Simulation Study, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti Mat. Inform 56 (2007), Anul LVI, pp. 107-117 (MR 2567361)
4. Georgiana Popovici: On the Behaviour of the AR Processes with Exponential Distribution Near the Stationarity Border: A Simulation Study, Buletin Stiintific – Universitatea din Pitesti, Seria Matematica si Informatica, no. 14, pp 1-12, (2008)
5. Georgiana Popovici: On the Stationarity of the EAR(2) Process: A Simulation Study, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Mat. Inform, 57(2008), Anul LVII, pp 41-49 (MR 2731757)
6. Georgiana Popovici: On the Three Classes of Time Series Involving Exponential Distribution, Mathematical Reports, 12(62) (2010), no. 1, pp. 45 – 57, ISI (MR 2666013) (Zbl pre 05828934)
7. Monica Dumitrescu si Georgiana Popovici: Entropy invariance for autoregressive processes constructed by linear filtering, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 88 (4), (2011), 864-880, ISI (Impact Factor: 0.546)
8. Georgiana Popovici: On the Covariance Structure of UAR(2) Processes, Mathematical Reports, Vol 14 (64), no. 2, (2012)
Statistical Lab using the R – System. Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2011.
3 Septembrie 2013
Asist. dr. Georgiana Popovici
Entropy invariance for autoregressive processes constructed by linear filtering M Dumitrescu, G Popovici
- … Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2011 - Taylor & Francis ... DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2010.484101 M. Dumitrescu a * & G. Popovici a pages 864-880. Publishing models and article dates explained Received: 19 Dec 2009 Accepted: 31 Mar 2010 Version of record first published: 23 Dec 2010 ... Cited by 2
Some results on the information loss in dynamical systems
BC Geiger, G Kubin - Wireless Communication Systems ( …, 2011 - Abstract In this work we investigate the information loss in (nonlinear) dynamical input- output systems and provide some general results. In particular, we present an upper bound on the information loss rate, defined as the (non-negative) difference between the entropy ... Cited by 4 Related articles All 16 versions Cite [PDF]
On the Rate of Information Loss in Memoryless Systems
BC Geiger, G Kubin - arXiv preprint arXiv:1304.5075, 2013 - Abstract: In this work we present results about the rate of (relative) information loss induced by passing a real-valued, stationary stochastic process through a memoryless system. We show that for a special class of systems the information loss rate is closely related to the ...
“Cea mai dedicata, draguta si deschisa profa de mate. Miss Georgiana ne indeamna mereu sa fim productivi, sa gandim logic, rapid, dar si corect! Matematica e mult mai simpla dupa ce iti explica miss G.
P.S. Este experta in meme-uri si are mereu bomboane pe masa!
Patricia Posea ”
“Mergeti pe mana Georgianei. Nu veti regreta! Calificarile sale in pregatirea extrascolara sunt cunoscute de mai mult timp. Marinescu Dan”
“Foarte draguta si implicata! Cosmina Alexandra”